a blog about what PANDAS is really like.

11 Ways You Might Be A PANDAS/PANS Parent If….: 12 Days of PANDAS Sucks

Welcome to Day 11 of the “12 Days of PANDAS Sucks”!

Every day from December 25 – January 5, you can expect to see a blog post from yours truly. You probably won’t be able to sing the days as a song, but I think you’ll still like it. LOL! However, I will be posting a different version of the song “The 12 Days of Christmas” on each blog. For Day 11, click here for Jeff Foxworthy’s Redneck version…seemed rather fitting. 🙂

On this eleventh day of PANDAS Sucks, I give to you ELEVEN WAYS YOU MIGHT BE A PANDAS/PANS PARENT IF….


My friend Patty sent me a message last October about ways she knew was a PANDAS Parent and suggested it as a blog topic. Great idea! I even put it out in the groups and a few people send in some funny stuff. So without further adieu, here’s the list:


1. If the clerks at your local pharmacy made your holiday gift list…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Patty)

2. If you have your insurance company on speed dial…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Patty)

3. If you have enough spare meds in the cabinet to get your entire neighborhood through the zombie apocalypse…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Patty)

4. If you know what all these mean: IVIG, ASO, DNase B, CVID, AE and MTHFR…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Patty) [NOTE from Sarah: If you don’t already know, that last acronym is not what you think it is. It is a gene mutation, but it might as well mean the same thing as what you might think.]

5. If he worst part of the year for you is not tax season but cold, strep and flu season…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Patty)

6. If you have read more peer reviewed medical articles than most of your child’s doctors…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Patty)

7. If you really, really appreciate the quiet days…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Patty)

8. If you find ibuprofen and Benedryl in your pockets instead of money while doing laundry…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Joy)

9. If all of a sudden you take a great interest in epsom salts and have a ridiculous amount of them in your pantry…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Matthew)

10. If you are a germ nazi and you stare at your kid for any signs of abnormal change, which in itself is no normal…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Brenda)

11.  If you know the phone/fax/address of your pharmacy by memory and which pharmacist is working today…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent. (Jaime)

12: If you hear someone sneeze or cough and your first impulse is to duck and cover…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent.

13. If you have ever wanted to punch someone for saying that your kid doesn’t look sick…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent.

14. If you have a special ring tone for the school and break out in a cold sweat anytime you hear it…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent.

15. If your diagnostic skills rival Gregory House MD‘s…then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent.

16.  If you haven’t really, really cleaned your house in over a year or two or three or more..then you might be a PANDAS/PANS Parent.

LOL! Some pretty good ones, eh? Can you relate? A bit THANKS to those that sent in responses. Do you have any other ways you know you’re a PANDAS/PANS Parent? I’d bet you do. 🙂  You can either comment below or message me here.

Wanna see some real life Pandas Parents? Check out these “Pandas Cams”: San Diego Zoo Panda Cam or the Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam or the National Zoo Panda Cam.

Tomorrow will be the last day of the 12 Days of PANDAS Sucks. Wow. Time flies. See ya then!






Tell us why YOU think PANDAS Sucks. Click here.

We post these reasons in a blog series.

Want to send a message to Sarah? Click here.

Sarah is a PANDAS Mom to her awesome son, Jesse. She spends much of her time on Facebook, making to-do lists, and listening to music, especially Depeche Mode. She drinks a lot of coffee, likes a good red wine, and has been known to hide chocolate in her pantry. Sarah really thinks PANDAS Sucks (the autoimmune disorder, NOT the bears!).  PANDAS Sucks exists to tell the collective story about PANDAS/PANS. Sarah wants to empower other PANDAS Parents and let them know they’re not alone. See also Facebook, InstagramTwitter, and Pinterest.

Note: Please do not ask for doctor referrals or specific medical advice. This blog/web site is for info and support purposes only. I’m not a doctor. 

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Please Read:

PANDAS Sucks/Sarah is not a doctor (even if her nickname is Dr. Google PANDAS Mom). Please seek professional care for your child under the guidance of a physician. Please do not ask me for doctor referrals or specific medical advice. This blog/web site is for informational and support purposes only. I am not a doctor.

Please tell us if you notice any errors/glitches. The contact form can be found at the top of every page. Thank you!

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PANDAS Sucks (Sarah)
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